The Manual
This page contains the links that make up the manual for the Super2. The manual is divided into chapters and most chapters are further divided into sections. The Download page is organized in a similar manner allowing for easy association of the drawings for each task. The entries underlined have been completed and are active links, while the others are still under construction.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Section 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Fabricating the Tail
Section 1 - Horizonal Stabilizer
- Required Materials
- Fabricating the ribs
- Building the Horizontal and Elevator Spars
- Installing Hinge Nut Plates
- Leading Edge
- Assembly
- Sheeting
- Glassing
- Post Curing the Assembly
Section 2 - Vertical Stabalizer
Chapter 3 - Fuselage
Section 1- Forward Fuselage
Section 2 - Rear Fuselage
- Flat Panel Fabrication
- Bonding and Glassing the Panels
- Folding the Rear Fuselage to Shape and final trim
Section 3 - Joining the Halves
- Joining Fuselage Halves
- Installing the Firewall
- Installing the Longerons
- Installing the Seatback
- Bulkheads
Section 4 - Fuselage Features
Chapter 4 - Finishing the Tail
Section 1 - Bonding Tail to the Fuselage
- Installing Rear Access Panel
- Preparing Fuselage for Horizontal Stab
- Bonding Horizontal Stab in Place
- Bonding Vertical Stabilizer in Place
Section 2 - Elevator
- Building the Parts
- Assembling the Frame
- Foam Core and Carbon Fiber Skins
- Elevator Tips
- Leading Edge Radius
- Inboard Cutout
- Trim Tab - Parts Prep
- Trim Tab - Installation
- Trim Tab - Finishing
- Balancing Elevator
- Installing Elevator
Section 3 - Rudder
- Assembling the Rudder
- Control Horn
- NAV Light
- Foaming
- Glassing
- Balancing
- Installing
Chapter 5 - Gullwing Canopy
Section 1- Canopy Outer Skin
- Mounting Canopy on Fuselage and Defining Door and Windsheild Locations
- Poor Man's Vacuum Bagging Techniques
- Facricationg Carbon Fiber Canopy Frame Skin Sections
- Bonding Canopy Frame Skins
Section 2 - Canopy Foam
- Fabricating and Installing Canopy Hinges
- Foam Core Installation
- Inner Carbon Fiber Skin
- Installing Door Latches and locks
- Bonding Door bottom skins
Section 3 - Finishing Canopy
- Fabricating Bulb Seal Flange
- Fabricating Plexiglas Flange
- Installing Canopy to Fuselage
- Installing Plexiglass
Chapter 6 - Turtle Deck
Section 1 - Turtle Deck
- Building the Frame
- Fuselage Flange
- Foam Sheet- outside laminate
- Forming the Turtle Deck - inside laminate
- Bulkheads
- Test Fitting the Turtle Deck
- Bonding the Turtle Deck in place -
- Windows -
Section 2 - Dorsal Fin
Chapter 7 - Wing
Section 1 - Spars
Section 2 - Ribs
Section 3 - Wing Assembly and Bottom Skin
- Assembling Ribs to Spar
- Main Gear Legs
- Skinning Wing Bottom and Glassing Bays
- Shaping the Foam Wing Skin
- Preparing the Wing for Glassing
- Glassing Wing Bottom
Section 4 - Wing Internals
- Required Material
- Idler and Bellcrank Assemblies
- Wing Cleanup
- Flanges
- Flap Hinge Reinforcement
- Access Panels
- Gear Legs and Tie Downs
- Post Curing the Wing Bays
- Fabricating the Flap Hinges
- Installing the Flap Hinges
- Installing Aileron Control System
- Brake Hydraulics
- Wiring
- Slosh Gates
- Fuel Tank Ports
- Fuel Proofing Fuel Cells
- Outboard Wing Section Nut Plates
- Outboard Wing Sections
- Bay by Bay Review - Behind the Spar
- Bay by Bay Review - Forward of the Spar
Section 5 - Wing Top Skin
- Top Wing Skin Panels
- Installing Top Wing Skin Panels
- Testing Fuel Cells
- Shaping Top Wing foam
- Glassing Top Wing
- Post Curing the Wing
Chapter 8 - Wing to Fuselage
Section 1 - Wing to Fuselage
Chapter 9 - Finishing the Fuselage
Chapter 10 - Finishing the Wing
Section 1 - Inboard/Outboard Wing Attach
- Flanges
- Electrical
Section 2 - Flaps - New Jan. 2014
- Flap Hinges
- Flap Ribs
- Flap Alignment
- Flaps Assembly
- Flap Bottom Prep
- Flap Bottom Glassing
- Flap Hinge Install
- Flaps Rodend Bracket Install
- Flap Top Glassing
Section 3 - Ailerons
Section 4 - Main Gear
Chapter 11 - Final Assembly
Section 1 -
Section 2 -
Section 3 -
Section 4 -
Appendix 1 - Addendums
Section 1 - Alternate Construction Techniques
Appendix 2 - Engine
Section 1 - Engine
- Corvair Modifications
- Rear Starter
- Rear Mounted Alternator
- Silver Oil System