Chapter 6 - Turtle Deck
Forming the Turtle Deck - Inside laminate
Once the panel is cured it is inserted into the frame. This must be done carefully and is a lot easier with two people. Lay a sheet of drop cloth over the form. This is done so that when the inside layer of BID is installed, the panel is not bonded to the form. Lay the laminated sheet, glass side down, on top of the form. Position it so that a couple of inches protrude from the rear of the form. Do not push in the middle of the panel into the form, this will break the panel. Press the edges of the panel inward to create the flex so the panel fits into the form. Fully seat the panel in the form and then screw it to the form in several spots.
Clamps are used to hold the foam sheet during positioning
Insure the foam is seated against the form
Insure the foam is seated against the form
About an inch will extend above the top of the form
Ready to be secured to the form
Secure through the top 1” that will be discarded
Secured to the form
Now prep the inside of the turtle deck and layup a single layer of BID on the inside. Let cure.
Once cured, mark along the outside of the turtle deck where the bottom edge will be. This will be trimmed off after you confirm the fit.